I recently read an article that said the weight problem in America (over one-third of us is obese and two-thirds are overweight) can be partly blamed on sedentary jobs. I guess I should consider myself lucky because I don’t have a weight problem and I’m a writer. Then again, I don’t really think it’s luck that puts me in the minority. Sure, I may be blessed with high metabolism, but I also have a few tricks up my sleeve that I would be remiss not to share. Here’s what I do to keep the weight off despite my sedentary job. It’s not rocket science, but it works. The key is, I do these every day, no breaks, no excuses.
Snack smart. Snacks keep a lot of sedentary workers happy during the work day, but snacks can be a huge problem for weight control. Although I’m not a big snacker, when hunger strikes mid-morning I’ll answer with something really flavorful—without the calories. Pomegranate seeds (during the season) and spicy tea are two of my favorite snacks. Other good choices are carrot sticks, yogurt, apple slices, string cheese, popcorn, raisins, and almonds (but just a handful).
Fiber up.Too much sitting isn’t good for the digestive system. What is, is fiber. If you don’t get enough fiber from your diet, a fiber supplement can help. But fiber supplements really aren’t necessary if you make a conscious effort to eat fiber-rich foods. My daily picks include high-fiber cereal, flaxseed, broccoli (see below), berries, and nuts. Oh, and don’t forget the water. I keep a glass of it at my desk and refill it throughout the day.

Flaxseed, a Good Source of Fiber
Shun the soda. Regular soda is bad news, but diet soda may be even worse. Its biggest problem is the artificial sweeteners, which can contribute to metabolic syndrome. Soda, especially the caffeinated kinds, can also be super addicting. If you drink it habitually (as many desk-bound workers do), do everything you can to stop, even if it means a week of headaches. If plain old water doesn’t satisfy your thirst, try unsweetened fruit juices, teas, or flavored water. Avoid the high-cal coffee drinks, too.
Schedule exercise. I know from experience that writers have a hard time breaking away from their work, especially when they’re stuck on a sentence or paragraph. Fortunately, I have a dog who appears at my side at a certain time of day to let me know it’s time for his meal and walk. If you don’t have a companion (or the self-discipline) to nudge you off your chair, keep a clock nearby, set it if necessary, and take that daily exercise break. Go for a walk, head to the gym, or pop in an exercise video. Make the routine as important as finishing that paragraph.

Schedule Exercise Daily (copyright Kenneth Allen)
Veg out at meal time. No, not on the couch. In my lingo, that means eat lots of vegetables. At lunch and dinner, I try to fill my plate mostly with lettuce, beans, broccoli, carrots, mushrooms, etc. Why veggies? They’re low-cal, loaded with nutrients, and filling. Plus they make you feel good. Fruit, on the other hand, I limit. Although I’m a big fan of raspberries and blueberries, most fruit has too much sugar, which is not ideal for weight control.
So that’s it! Five easy tips. Give them a try. The only thing you’ve got to lose is a little weight.